

据中盛负责人施概龙介绍,这款环保回收再生布料是普通涤纶(POLY)面料的纱线是从石油中提取制成的, 其化学名称为聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯(PET),其拉伸断裂强力和拉伸断裂伸长率都比棉纤维高,有很好的耐 热性和热稳定性。

环保涤纶不仅具有普通涤纶的优点,更趋向于绿色环保的理念。更适合于具有社会责任 感和可持续发展理念的品牌商的发展方向和定位。

The average POLY fabric has a yarn made from petroleum , Its chemical name is polyethylene terephthalate (PET), its tensile breaking strength and tensile breaking elongation are higher than cotton fiber, has good heat resistance and thermal stability . Environmental protection polyester not only has the advantages of ordinary polyester, but also tends to the idea of environmental protection . More suitable for a sense of social responsibility and the concept of sustainable development of the brand business development direction and positioning.


(1)再生PET面料(RPET),是一种新型的环保再 生面料 ,其纱线是从废弃的矿泉水瓶子和可乐 瓶中提取制成的,又俗称为可乐瓶环保布 (RPET fabric)。 recycled PET fabric (RPET) is a new kind of environment-friendly recycled fabric. Its yarn is extracted from waste mineral water bottles and coke bottles, also known as RPET fabric. 此产品因其是废物再利用 ,所以在国外尤其是 欧美发达国家很受青睐 This product is very popular abroad, especially in the developed countries of Europe and America, because it is waste reuse

(2)再生纱线可以减少石油的使用量,每吨成 品纱线可以节约6吨石油,为减少空气污染,控 制温室效应做出了一定的贡献。 recycled yarns can reduce the use of oil, and each ton of finished yarns can save 6 tons of oil, making a certain contribution to reduce air pollution and control the greenhouse effect.

(3)一个塑料瓶(600cc) = 减碳25.2g = 省油0.52cc = 省水88.6cc A plastic bottle (600cc) = carbon reduction 25.2g = fuel saving 0.52cc = water saving 88.6cc



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